Hello, my fellow bloggers and blog readers.
My name is Tyana, and to be completely honest I don't know really know what to write about, so I'm just going to wing it. I'm an extreme introvert who likes to read, binge-watch TV shows/movies and traveling. I have a weird obsession with ketchup, I basically put it on everything
(Please don't judge me, I know it's weird!!) On my off days I like to spend my time doing makeup and cooking, but I don't really get a lot of free time. This blog is really going to consist of the things I'm learning in my American History Class. 9 times out of 10 I won't know what's going on that class, so we're going to learn together.
Hopefully this blog will allow me to actually understand and obtain knowledge instead of being confused. If I'm able to explain the things I learned clearly than I must be doing something right. I'm going to stop here before I put even more weird thing here. I tend to blabber alot
- Yours truly :)
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